NumberOfSpacesWithRechargePoint# NeTEx (Network Timetable EXchange) XML schema (C) 2009-2019 NeTEx, CEN, Crown Copyright ## Core, Part 1 (Network), Part 2 (Timetables), Part3 (Fares) Schemas Version 1.10 - Base version plus minor fixes comprising * Norway contributions, * The approved 1.1 CRs 1-50 * Rollup of fixes and additional documentation on other fixes. * Corrections to integration of NK 1.09. * 51-55 CRSs from Meeting Feb 2019. Also CRs from NL, EURA, UK, Norway and SBB input. The Part 1, Part 2, & Part 3 Schemas include minor corrections and enhancements since the issue of the Version 1.0 documents. The revised Version 1.1 documents include the changes. ### Note on the schema The schema is broken down systematically into small modular files; generally for each functional package in the design model (See UML Model) there are two xml schema files - netex_xxxx_suppport.xsd - containing data type and ref structure definitions. - netex_xxxx_version.xsd - containing the element definitions. See the NeTEx UML Physical and Conceptual models for an UML view of the packages. (This is available in electronic format). The individual XML files are arranged hierarchically in folders, in a similar arrangement to that of the UML model and documentation. Thus there is a main folder for each part, and subfolders for each NeTEx functional area. ---- ## Getting Started There are two main root schemas: - **netex_publication** : Embeds NeTEx XML model elements in a bulk output file format for use in asynchronous publication. The intended content scope can be indicated by a filter object. - **netex_siri.xsd** : Embeds NeTEx XML model elements in the SIRI protocol for dynamic exchange of elements between servers. Both Request/response or publish / subscribe is supported In addition: - **nx.xsd** : Embeds NeTeX XML model elements within a simple thematic organisation to facilitate browsing and inspection of NeTEx. The NX schema is not intended for actual use. There are **XML examples** of the use of both protocols, see */examples* subdirectory. ### Support for XML editors There is an _Altova XMLSpy_ project file in the root directory that provides an organised view of the schema and examples: - NeTEx.spp There is also an _Oxygen_ project file: - NeTEx.xpr ---- # Change Log ### 2019.05.17 FIX *PART3:FARES*: NJSK __FarePointInPattern__Fix case on __isFareStage__ and __isForbidden__ * _Updates to xml schema_: * netex_production.xml ### 2019.05.15 FIX *PART1:ND*: NJSK Add constraints on __TypeOfLineRef__ * _Updates to xml schema_: * netex_production.xml ### 2019.05.14 EXMP *FRAMEWORK*: NJSK Add Serbia and Montenegro to country codes * _Updates to xml schema_: * netex_countrySupport.xml ### 2019.05.10 EXMP *EXAMPLES*: NJSK Revise UK examples to have UK Profile data. * _Updates to xml examples: Many ### 2019.05.19 FIX *PART1:ND*: NJSK Fix - remove empty value for CompassBearing enum * _Updates to xml schema_: * netex_locationTypes.xml * netex_routeInstructionVersion.xml ### 2019.05.02 FIX *FRAMEWORK*: NJSK Fix constraints on __DefaultCodespaceRef__ * Also Corrections to a lot of examples. * _Updates to xml schema_: * netex_production.xml ### 2019.05.01 FIX *FRAMEWORK*: NJSK Fix constraints on __DefaultDataSourceRef__ and __DefaultResponsibilitySetRef__. * ALso add EPIP draft profile metadata * _Updates to xml schema_: * netex_production.xml * netex.spp * _Updates to xml examples_: * uk_fxc_addon_HSP_plusbus.xml * Netex_era_toc_uk.xml * Netex_era_crossborder_de.xml * uk_fxc_pass_Metrobus_metrorider.xml * uk_fxc_trip_First_WoE_Line48_stage+Passes.xml * uk_fxc_trip_First_WoE_Line48_stage-distance_minimal1.xml * Netex_tap_tsi_tcvg_stations_1.xml * epip_common_profile.xml ### 2019.04.29 FIX *PART2:ND*: NJSK Fix Constraints on __JourneyPart__. * _Updates to xml schema_: * netex_production.xml ### 2019.04.28 FIX *FRAMEWORK*: NJSK Fix Constraints on __ParkingPasengerEntrance__ and __VehicleEntranceForParking__. * _Updates to xml schema_: * netex_production.xml * netex_parking_support.xml * netex_parking_version.xml ### 2019.05.01 FIX *Parts2VS*: NJSK Fix Add missing _ParentRef__ to __FlexibleService__. * Also add missing flexble attributes to __SpecialService__ * _Updates to xml schema_: * netex_flexibleService.xml * netex_ServiceJourney.xml ### 2019.04.29 FIX *PART1:ND*: NJSK Fix Dummy __TariffZone__ should be abstract. * _Updates to xml schema_: * netex_zone_version.xml ### 2019.04.19 __CHECKPOINT__. - Revised v1.1 versions of NeTEx UML diagrams, and revised draft NeTEx Part1, Part2 and Part3 documents correspond to this point. ### 2019.04.19 FIX *Parts3FARES3*: NJSK Add missing __TypeOfFareTable__ element. * _Updates to xml schema_: * netex_fareTable_version.xml ### 2019.04.18 FIX *Parts3FARES3*: NJSK Support Place to Place travel. * __AccessRightParameter__: Add __AddressRef__, __TopoographicPlaceRef__ and __PlaceUseEnum__. * __InterchangeRule__ use of __ServiceDesignator__ versus __JourneyDesignator__ * _Updates to xml schema_: * netex_accessRightParameter_support.xml * netex_accessRightParameter_version.xml * netex_travelSpecificationSummary_version.xml ### 2019.04.18 FIX *Parts1,2,3*: NJSK FIx Tdy up Designators. * __AccessRightParameter: Add __AddressRef__, __TopoographicPlaceRef__ and __PlaceUseEnum__. * Modularise __ServiceDesignator__ and __JourneyDesignator__ (no functional change). * Add __JourneyDesignator__ to __InterchangeRule__ and __GroupOfServiceJourneysMember__. * _Updates to xml schema_: * netex_journeyDesignator_support.xml * netex_interchangeRuletravelSpecificationSummary_version.xml * netex_serviceJourney_version.xml ### 2019.04.16 FIXDoc *Part1-IFOPT*: NJSK __Parking__ - correct dependencies. * Drop __Parking / tariffs relationship__: __ParkingTariff__ can reference __Parking__ but not vice versa. * Also add missing parents to __ParkingCapacity__. * NB this will break existing XML that uses __Parking / charges__ relationship. * _Updates to xml schema_: * netex_parking_version.xml * _Updates to xml examples_: * netex_10_StopPlace_withParking_1.xml * netex_21_Sites_Parking_1.xml * netex_21_Sites_Parking_2.xml * _Documentation Changes_: [uml_diagram: done], [doc-done] ### 2019.04.16 FIXDoc *Part1-IFOPT*: NJSKCorrect __VehicleStoppingPosition__ to reflect UML model. * Add missing elements to implement relationships between components. * _Updates to xml schema_: * netex_stopPlace_version .xml * _Documentation Changes_: [uml_diagram: done], [doc-done] ### 2019.04.15 FIXDoc *Part1-TP*: NJSK __TimeDemandType__: Add missing __OperationalContextRef__. * _Updates to xml schema_: * netex_timedDemandType_version .xml * netex_stopPlace_version .xml * _Documentation Changes_: [uml_diagram: ok], [doc-done] ### 2019.04.15 FIXDoc *Part1-IFOPT*: NJSK Fix __TypeOfEntity__ and __TypeofValue__ descendants to make root elements visible. * _Updates to xml schema_: * netex_organisation_version.xsd * netex_responsibilitySet_version.xsd * netex_place_version.xsd * netex_pointAndLink_version.xsd * netex_pointAndLinkSequence_version.xsd * netex_projection_version.xsd * netex_spatialFeature_version.xsd * netex_zone_version.xsd * netex_equipment_version.xsd * netex_facility_version.xsd * netex_notice_version.xsd * netex_securityList_version.xsd * netex_serviceRestrictions_version.xsd * netex_activation_version.xsd * netex_line_version.xsd * netex_journeyPattern_version.xsd * netex_timeDemandType_version.xsd * netex_ifopt_checkConstraint_version.xsd * netex_ifopt_serviceFeature_version.xsd * netex_flexibleService_version.xsd * netex_accessRightParameter_version.xsd * netex_fareStructureElement_version.xsd * netex_salesOfferPackage_version.xsd * netex_retailConsortium_version.xsd * netex_salesContract_version.xsd * netex_coupledJourney_version.xsd * netex_usageParameter_version.xsd * _Documentation Changes_: [uml_diagram: NONE], [doc-done] ### 2019.04.15 __FIXDoc__ *Part1-IFOPT*: NJSK Fix Add missing __CountryRef__ to __Authority__. * Align __Authority__ with __Operator__. * _Updates to xml schema_: * netex_transportOperator_version.xml * _Documentation Changes_: [uml_diagram: done], [doc-done] ### 2019.04.15 __FIXDoc__ *Part1-IFOPT*: NJSK Fix add missing __typesOfEntity/TypeOfEntity__ relationship to __TypeOfFrame__. * _Updates to xml schema_: * netex_responsibility.xml * netex_typeOfFrame_version.xml * _Documentation Changes_: [uml_diagram: done], [doc-done] ### 2019.04.15 __FIXDoc__ *Part1-IFOPT*: NJSK Fix add missing element from doc to __TypeOfPassengerInformationEquipment__. * _Updates to xml schema_: * netex_passengerInformationEquipment_version.xml * _Documentation Changes_: [uml_diagram: ok], [doc-ok] ### 2019.04.14 __FIXDoc__ *Part1-RC*: NJSK Fix __Accommodation__ and __OnBoardStay__ - add missing parent elements. * Correct typo on __BoardingPermission__. * NB THis will break existing documents that use ths feature * _Updates to xml schema_: * netex_serviceRestrictions_version.xml. * _Documentation Changes_: [uml_diagram: done], [doc-done] ### 2019.04.07 __FIXDoc__ *Part1-IFOPT*: NJSK Add back missing attribute to __SanitaryEquipment / NumberofToilets__. * Align schema With UML and document. * _Updates to xml schema_: * netex_passengerEquipment_version .xml * _Documentation Changes_: [uml_diagram: ok], [doc-ok] ### 2019.04.07 __FIX__ *Part3FARES-ST*: NJSK Tidy up - remodularise: move __TravelSpecification__ to be with __CustomerPurchasePackage__. * Also revise __FareProduct__ classification types. * _Updates to xml schema_: * netex_fareStructureElement_support.xsd * netex_fareProduct_support.xsd * netex_fareProduct_version.xsd * netex_fareConditionSummary_support.xsd * netex_travelDocument_version.xsd * netex_salesTransaction_support.xsd * netex_salesTransaction_version.xsd * netex_customerPurchasePackage_support.xsd * netex_customerPurchasePackage_version.xsd * netex_travelSpecifcationSummary_version.xsd * _Updates to xml examples_: * uk_fxc_pass_Metrobus_metrorider.xml * netex_era_distance_ro.xml * netex_era_crossborder_de.xml * netex_era_toc_uk.xml * uk_fxc_trip_First_York_Line26_stage-Z2Z_minimal1.xml * uk_fxc_trip_First_WoE_Line48_stage-distance_minima1.xml * _Documentation Changes_: [uml_diagram: done], [doc-done] ### 2019.04.04 __FIXDoc__ *PART2-VJ*: NJSK Fix Add missing __ConnectionCertainty__ element that is in doc. * Add new __ConnectionCertainty__ attribute to __Interchange__ as per UML diagrams and doc. * _Updates to xml schema_: * netex_interchange_support.xsd * netex_interchange_version.xsd * _Documentation Changes_: [uml_diagram: ok], [doc-ok] ### 2019.04.04 __FIXDoc__ *Part3-FARES-AR*: NJSK Fi Further tidy ups arising from doc. * Add new value to __PreassignedFareProduct / Product__ enumeration; _shortTrip_. * Add new value to __AmountOfPriceUnit / ProductType__ numeration; _storedValue_. * Add new attribute __ProductType__ to __UsageDiscountRight__ with values _mileagePoints, usageRebate, other_. * Add new attribute __ProductType__ to __SaleDiscountRight__ with values; _travelCard, payAsYouGoDiscount, other_. * Add new values to __SupplementProductType__; _penalty_. * Add new __ChargingMomentType__ attribute to __FareProduct__ with values: _beforeTravel, onStartOfTravel, beforeEndOfTravel, onStartThenAdjustAtEndOfTravel, onStarThenAdjustAtEndOfFareDay, onStartThenAdjustAtEndOfChargePeriod, atEndOfTravel, atEndOfFareDay, atEndOfChargePeriod, free, other_. * Also remodularise: move __TariffBasisEnum__ to _netex.fareElement_support.xsd_. * Add new __TypeOfSalesOfferPackage__ attribute to __ValidityParameterAssignment__. Reorganise fare parameters. * _Updates to xml schema_: * netex_fareStructureElement_support.xsd * netex_fareProduct_support.xsd * netex_fareProduct_version.xsd * netex_fareConditionSummary_support.xsd * netex_validityParameterAssignment_version.xsd * netex_facility_version.xsd * _Updates to xml examples_: * uk_fxc_pass_Metrobus_metrorider.xml * netex_era_distance_ro.xml * netex_era_crossborder_de.xml * netex_era_toc_uk.xml * uk_fxc_trip_First_York_Line26_stage-Z2Z_minimal1.xml * uk_fxc_trip_First_WoE_Line48_stage-distance_minimal1.xml * _Documentation Changes_: [uml_diagram: done], [doc-done] ### 2019.04.02 __FIX__ *PART2*: Add TransportOperatorRef to JourneyDesignator * _Updates to xml schema_: * netex_journeyDesignator_support.xsd * _Documentation Changes_: [uml_diagram: done], [doc-done] ### 2019.03.30 __EURA-52, EURA40__ *Part3-FARES-AR*: Support suspension of season passes. * NJSK Review: Make __Suspending__ a separate usage parameter, with attributes __SuspensionPolicy, QualificationPeriod, QualificationPercent, MinimumSuspensionPeriod, MaximumSuspensionPeriod, MaximumNumberOfSuspensionsPerTerm__. * _Updates to xml schema_: * netex_usageParameterTravel_support.xsd. * netex_usageParameterTravel_version.xsd. * _Documentation Changes_: [uml_diagram: done], [doc-done] ### 2019.03.30 __FR49__ *Part1-IFOPT*: CD #65 Accessibility changes, * Fix add missing __DropKerbOutside__ attribute to __EntranceEquipment__. * NJSK Review: Rename __LuggageService__ new attribute __LuggageMaxiumWeight__ new attribute to to __MaximumBagWeight__. * NJSK Review: Rename __Entrance__ new attribute __OpeningNecssaryForce__ to __NecessaryForceToOpen__. * NJSK Review: Move __Stair__ new attribute __WithoutRiser__ to __StairCase__ (does not apply to escalators). * NJSK Review: Rename __PathLink__ new attribute __Width__ to __MinimumWidth__ also add __MinimumHeight__. * NJSK Review: Add value _alwaysOn_ to __LightingMethodEnumeration__. Rename to __LightingOnMethod__. * NJSK Review: Systemise; for __SignEquipment__ : reuse __AudioTriggerMethod__ rather than have separate valeu set * NJSK review: Add __PrintedPresentation__ to __SignEquipment__ rather than simple __FontSize__ so as to separate presentation from content. * NJSK review: Add __FontSizeEnum__ to __PrintedPresentation__ as a general property. * NJSK Review: Revise __PassengerSafetyEquipment__ , rename 'Acoustic' to 'Audio'. rename app _value_ to _mobileApp_, add _cyclicReadingValue_ * _Updates to xml schema_: * netex_ifopt_equipmentTicketing_version.xsd * netex_ifopt_localService_version.xsd * netex_ifopt_equipmentAccess_support.xsd * netex_ifopt_equipmentAccess_ version.xsd * netex_ifopt_path_support.xsd * netex_ifopt_path_ version.xsd * netex_ifopt_equipmentPassenger_support.xsd * netex_ifopt_equipmentWaiting_support.xsd * netex_ifopt_equipmentWaiting_version.xsd * netex_ifopt_equipmentSign_support.xsd * netex_ifopt_equipmentSign_version.xsd * _Documentation Changes_: [uml_diagram: done], [doc-done] ### 2019.03.26 __UK-27__ *FRAMEWORK-RC*: NJSK Fix add missing __TrainSize__ attribute to __TrainElement__. * Align doc with schema. * _Updates to xml schema_: * netex_line_support.xsd * netex_trsinElement_version.xsd * netex_vehicleJourney_version.xsd * _Documentation Changes_: [uml_diagram: ok], [doc-done] ### 2019.03.26 __UK-27__ *Fares-ST*: NJSK Correct annotations, reorder parameters, * Add __TypeOfProductCategoryRef__ to __TravelSpecificationSummary__, fix __CellRef__ . * Make __TravelDOcumentRef__ per TM. * Also EURA-(nk)Allow marking of use of __CustomerPurchasePackage__. Refine model: make blocking separate from status. Correct annotations. * Wrap __CustomerPurchasePackage /TravelDocRef__ in a tag. * Align doc with schema. * Reorganize fare examples. * _Updates to xml schema_: * netex_salesTransaction_version.xsd * netex_travelDocument_version.xsd * netex_salesDistribution_support.xsd * netex_travelSpecificationSummary_version.xsd * netex_customerPurchasePackage_support.xsd * netex_customerPurchasePackage_version.xsd * _Updates to xml examples_: * uk_fxc_pass_Metrobus_metrorider.xml * netex_era_distance_ro.xml * netex_era_crossborder_de.xml * netex_era_toc_uk.xml * _Documentation Changes_: [uml_diagram: done], [doc-done] ### 2019.03.26 __NL27__ *Part1-ND*: CD #58 Add default __TypeOfProductCategory__ and __TypeOfService__ to __Line__: * CD Move __TypeOfProductCategory__ and __TypeOfService__ to _netex_line_version.xsd_. * NJSK Review: Move __TypeOfProductCategory__ and __TypeOfService__ from (Part2:) _netex_journey_version.xsd_ to (Framework reusable component) _netex_travelRights_version.xsd_)- rather than _line.xsd_, so they are visible to part 1. * NJSK Review: clean up dependencies. * Drop include of _netex_travelRights_version.xsd_ from _netex_accessRightParameter_version.xsd_. * Drop include of _netex_travelRights_version.xsd_ from _netex_usageParameterAfterSales_version.xsd_. * Drop include of _netex_travelRights_version.xsd_ from _netex_fareTable_version.xsd_. * Drop include of _netex_travelRights_version.xsd_ from _netex_parking_version.xsd_. * NJSK Review: Rename _netex_travelRights_version.xsd_ to _netex_servicRetrictions.xsd_ so as to align with TM6 and UML. * NJSK Review: correct the annotations. Also align _Netex.xpr_ with _Netex.spp_ and correct _Netex.spp_ project files for _XMLSpy_ and _Oxygen_. * _Updates to xml schema_: * netex_serviceJourney_support.xsd * netex_servicePattern_support.xsd * netex_serviceRestrictions_support.xsd (renamed from netex_travelRights_support.xsd) * netex_serviceRestrictions_version.xsd (renamed from netex_travelRights_version.xsd) * netex_line_version.xsd * netex_accessRightParameter_version.xsd * netex_usageParameterAfterSales_version.xsd. * netex_fareTable_version.xsd * netex_parking_version.xsd * netex.spp * netex.xpr * _Documentation Changes_: [uml_diagram: done], [doc-done] ### 2019.03.25 __FR49__ *Part1-IFOPT*: CD #65 Accessibility changes. * __TicketingEquipment__ (_netex_ifopt_equipmentTicketing_.xsd): * CD Add new attributes to __TicketingEquipment__; __TactileInterfaceAvailable, AudioInterfaceAvailable, DisabledPriority, WheelchairSuitable__. * * NJSK Review: Place accessibility attributes in a separate group. Break down into subgroups; __TicketingEquipmentPropertiesGroup, TicketingEquipmentServiceGroup, TicketingEquipmentAccessibilityGroup__. * CD: Add new attributes to __TicketValidatorEquipment__; __AudioValidationFeedback, VisualValidationFeedback, TactileValidationFeedback, ValidationGuidance__. * __LocalService__ ( _netex_ifopt_localService.xsd_): * CD add __LuggageMaximalWeihgt__ to __LuggageService__. * NJSK Review: Correct Typo and revise name on __LuggageMaximumWeight__ to MaximumBagWeight. Make datatype of __LuggageMaximumWeight__ _WeightType_. Also add to __LeftLuggageService__. * __AccessEquipment__ (_netex_ifopt_equipmentAccess_.xsd): * CD Add __NecessaryForce__ to __Entrance__ with values _noForce, lightForce, mediumForce, heavyForce, unknown_. * CD Add __LightingMethodEnumeration__ to __PlaceLighting__ with values _movementDetector, stepDetector, switchOnTheWall, atDoorOpening, onlyAtNight_. * NJSK Review: Correct typo on _stepDetector_. * CD Add __TactileWarningStripEnumeration__ to __CrossingEquipment__ with values _tactileStripAtBeginning, tactileStripAtEnd, tactileStripAtBothEnds, noTactileStrip, unknown_, * NJSK Review: Move __TactileWarningStripEnumeration, FlooringTypeEnumeration, BorderTypeEnumeration__ to _netex_ifopt_equipmentAccess,xsd_ from _netex_path_support.sd_; use lower camel case for values. * CD Add new attribute __NecessaryForceEnumeration__ with values _noForce, lightForce, mediumForce, heavyForce, unknown_. * CD Add new attribute __LightingMethod__ to __PlaceLighting__ with values _movementDetector, stepDetector, switchOnTheWall, atDoorOpening, onlyAtNight, other_. * NJSK Review: correct typo on _stepDetector_. * CD Add new attribute __WithoutRiser__ to __StairEquipment__. * NJSK Review: Change order of new elements to be with other step properties. * CD Add new attribute __EscalatorWithLanding__ to __EscalatorEquipment__. * CD Add new attributes to __TravelatorEquipment__; __Length__, __Slope__ and __IntegratesAnEscalatorPart__. * NJSK Review: correct name of __IntegratesAnEscalatorPart__ * CD Add new attributes to __EscalatorEquipment__: __MagneticInductionLoop__, __GroundMarkAlignedWithButton__, __TactileGroundFloorButton__, __ExternalFloorSelection__. * NJSK Review: Correct name of __GroundMarkAlignedWithButton__. * NJSK Review: Drop __ButtonsHeigt__ as all ready covered by __CallButtonHeight__. * NJSK Review: Change order to group with like properties. * CD Add new attributes to __EntranceEquipment__: __AudioOrVideoIntercom, Airlock, DoorstepMark AudioPassthroughIndicator, OpeningNecessaryForce__ * NJSK Review: Change order of new elements to group with like properties * NJSK Review: NB __AudioOrVideoIntercom__ overlaps with __EntranceAttention__. * CD Add new attributes to __QueuingEquipment__: __DisabledPriority, QueuingSeatedPossible.__ * __PathLink__ (_netex_ifopt_path.xsd_): * CD Add new attributes to __PathLink__; __Width, FlooringType, RightSideBorder, LeftSideBordert, TiltAngle, CodedTilt, TactileWarningStrip, TactileGuidingStrip__. * NJSK Review: Reorder so as to place like elements together, add XML sub groups to organize * _netex_ifopt_equipmentPassenger_: * CD Add __FlooringTypeEnumeration__ to __PathLink__ with values _carpet, concrete, asphalt, cork, fibreglassGrating, glazedCeramicTiles, plasticMatting, ceramicTiles, rubber, steelPlate, vinyl, wood, stone, grass, dirt, gravel, uneven, unknown, other_ * CD Add __BorderTypeEnumeration__ with __PathLink__ values _wall, grass, dirt, barrier, road, cyclingLane, step, rail, plants, trees, mud, solidEdge, water, gravel, noPhysicalBorder, otherPhysicalBorder, unknown, other,_ * __PassengerEquipment__ (_netex_passengerEquipment.xsd_): * CD Add new attribute to __PassengerSafetyEquipment__; __AcousticAnnouncementsTrigger__ with values _onDemand, automatic_. * CD Add new attribute to __PassengerSafetyEquipment__; __AnnouncementsTriggeringMethod__ with values _presenceDetector, app, internetPage, specificDevice, pushButton_. * CD add new attribute to __SanitaryEquipment__; __SupportBarHeight__ with values _onDemand, automatic_. * NJSK Review: Correct typo on __SupportBarHeigth__, reorder new elements. * NJSK Review: Add missing __ChangeAvailable__ attribute * __WaitingEquipment__ (_netex_ifopt_equipmentWaiting_): * CD to Add new attribute to __LuggageLockerEquipment__: __LockingType__ with values _key, keyboard, mechanicalNumbering, contactless, phoneApp, other_. * CD to Add new attributes to __LuggageLockerEquipment__: __BlindAccessible ,WheelchairAccepted__. * NJSK Review: Correct typo on __WheelchairAccepted__, Change order of new attributes, move __LockerTypeEnumeration__ and __LuggageServiceEnumeration__ enums to support file. * CD to Add new attributes to __SeatingEquipment__: __Armrest ,SeatingHeight__., * NJSK Review: Correct data type on __SeatingHeight__. and rename to __SeatHeight__. * __SignEquipment__ (_netex_signEquipment.xsd_): * CD add new attribute to __SignEquipment__; __AudioAnnouncementType__ with values _cyclicReading, whenSomebodyIsDetected, throughAnApp, throughASpecificDevice, other_ * CD add new attribute to __SignEquipment__; __FontSize__; with values; _verySmall, small, medium, large, veryLarge_ * NJSK Review: Correct typos, camelCase values, move __SignContentEnumeration__ enums to support file , add _other_ value, zap _xxxx_value. change"big" to "large" in value names. * NJSK Review: Add missing __AsBraille__ attribute from doc. * _Updates to xml schema_: * netex_ifopt_equipmentTicketing_version.xsd * netex_ifopt_localService_version.xsd * netex_ifopt_equipmentAccess_support.xsd * netex_ifopt_equipmentAccess_ version.xsd * netex_ifopt_path_support.xsd * netex_ifopt_path_ version.xsd * netex_ifopt_equipmentPassenger_support.xsd * netex_ifopt_equipmentWaiting_support.xsd * netex_ifopt_equipmentWaiting_version.xsd * netex_ifopt_equipmentSign_support.xsd * netex_ifopt_equipmentSign_version.xsd * _Documentation Changes_: [uml_diagram: done], [doc-done] ### 2019.03.25 __NL48__ *Part1-ND*: CD #64 Add new attributes to __StopPointInPattern__ for advertising of stop; __Print__ and __Dynamic__. * NJSK Review: Correct dependencies: Move __DynamicAdvertisement__ of use of stop from _netex_serviceJourney_support.xsd_ to _netex_servicePattern_support.xsd_. * NJSK Review: correct the annotations. * _Updates to xml schema_: * netex_serviceJourney_support.xsd * netex_servicePattern_support.xsd * netex_servicePattern_version.xsd * _Documentation Changes_: [uml_diagram: done], [doc-done] ### 2019.03.25 __NL32__ *FRAMEWORK-RC*: CD #61 Add new values to SITE __AccessFacility__ enum; _wheelchairLift, automaticRamp. slidingStep_. * NJSK Review: Keep SITE and SERVICE aspects separate; add separate __VehicleAccessFacility__ enum with values _unknown, wheelchairLift, manualRamp, automaticRamp, steps, slidingStep, narrowEntrance, validator_. * _Updates to xml schema_: * netex_facility_support.xsd * netex_facility_version.xsd * _Documentation Changes_: [uml_diagram: done], [doc-done] ### 2019.03.25 __NL31__ *FRAMEWORK-RC*: CD #60 Add new attributes __BoardingHeight__ and __GapToPlatform__ to __VehicleType__. * NJSK Review: Correct data types of new attributes to be of _LengthType_. * _Updates to xml schema_: * netex_vehicleType_version.xsd * _Documentation Changes_: [uml_diagram: done], [doc-done] ### 2019.03.25 __NL28__ *FRAMEWORK-CC*: CD #59 Add new __Presentation__ attribute to __Branding__. * NJSK Review; Use a __BrandingGroup__ to be consistent with NeTEx coding patterns. * _Updates to xml schema_: * netex_dataSource_version.xsd * _Documentation Changes_: [uml_diagram: done], [doc-done] ### 2019.03.25 __SBB23__ *FRAMEWORK-CC*: CD #57. Add new __BackgroundColour__ and __BackgroundColourName__ attributes to __Presentation__ and __PrintPresentation__ elements. * Also add _icon_ to __TypeOfInfolink__ enum values. * NJSK Review; __BackgroundColourName__ should be type _xsd:normalizedString_, not _xsd:string_. * _Updates to xml schema_: * netex_utility_version.xsd * _Documentation Changes_: [uml_diagram: done], [doc-done] ### 2019.03.25 __SBB21__ *FRAMEWORK-CC*: CD #56. Add new __ColourSystem__ attribute to __Presentation__ and __PrintPresentation__. * NJSK Review: __ColourSystem__ and __ColourName__ should be type _xsd:normalizedString_, not _xsd:string_. * Also Merge in corrections to comments as per SBB20 #55. * Also Correct camel case on names of __StopPointInXXXGroup__ groups. * _Updates to xml schema_: * netex_utility_version.xsd * netex_servicePattern_version.xsd * _Documentation Changes_: [uml_diagram: done], [doc-done] ### 2019.03.25 __FR-5__ *FRAMEWORK-CC*: CD change #53 Add __AccessFacilityList__ attribute to __SiteFacilitySet__. * _Updates to xml schema_: * netex_facility_version.xsd * _Documentation Changes_: [uml_diagram: done], [doc-done] ### 2019.03.25 __CR55__ *PART1-IFOPT*: CD Change #52 Add new attribute __StopPlaceWeight__ to __StopPlace__ with values _international, national, regional, local_. * NJSK Review: Make values lowerCamelCase consistent with NeTEx conventions. * _Updates to xml schema_: * netex_ifopt_stopPlace_support.xsd * netex_ifopt_stopPlace_version.xsd * _Documentation Changes_: [uml_diagram: done], [doc-done] ### 2019.03.25 __CR51__ *PART2-TI*: CD Add new __VehicleJourneyStopAssignment__ entity to set default stop assignment for __VehicleJourney__. * NJSK Review CR51: add doc comments * NJSK make __vehicleJourneyStopAssignmentsInFrame_RelStructure__ lower camel case consistent with NeTEx conventions. * NJSK Allow inlining of __vehicleJourneyStopAssignments__ within __VehicleJourney__ as for other subcomponents * NJSK Also correct camel case on __trainComponentLabelAssignents__ and __trainComponentLabelAssignents_RelStructure__. * _Updates to xml schema_: * netex_vehicleJourney_support.xsd * netex_vehicleJourney_version.xsd * netex_timetableFrame_version.xsd * netex_stopAssignment_version.xsd * _Documentation Changes_: [uml_diagram: done], [doc-done] ### 2019.03.25 __Fix__ *FRAMEWORK-FR*: Integrate constraint fix #49 by CD 2019.02.22 with other constraint changes: Add __EquipmentPlace__ to __Place_AnyVersionedKey__. * _Updates to xml schema_: * netex_publication.xsd * _Documentation Changes_: [uml_diagram: done], [doc-done] ### 2019.03.25 __CR50__ by CD from 2019-02-20 *FRAMEWORK-CC*. CD add snow and ice modes. * NJSK Revise - * Correct camel casing of _snowAndIce_ value for __TransportMode__, * Correct camel casing of __SnowAndIceSubmode__ values ; _unknown, undefined, snowMobile, snowCat, snowCoach, terraBus, windSled_, * Add _snowAndIce_ to __Submode__ choices * Add _snowAndIce_ to __AllModes__. * Add _ski_ and _skate_ to __AccessMode__ __ContinuousMode__ values * _Updates to xml schema_: * netex_submode_version.xsd * netex_mode_support.xsd * _Documentation Changes_: [uml_diagram: done], [doc-done] ### 2019.03.25 __NL34__ from 2019.01.07 *FRAMEWORK-CC*. Fix #42 by Seime & #63 by CD move _canalBarge_ value from air to water modes. * NB this will break existing XML that uses _canalBarge_ value. * Also changed __Duty.TransportMode__ from __VehicleModeEnumeration__ to __AllVehicleModesOfTransportEnumeration__ to allow for non-vehicle modes. * _Updates to xml schema_: * netex_submode_version.xsd * netex_duty_version.xsd * _Documentation Changes_: [uml_diagram: done], [doc-done] ### 2019.03.25 __Fix__ *FRAMEWORK-CC*: #43 by Skinkie from 2019.01.07. * Fix typo on _tactilePlatformEdges_. * NB this will break existing XML that uses _tactilePlatformEdges_ value. * _Updates to xml schema_: * netex_facility_support.xsd * _Updates to xml examples_: * examples\functions\stopPlace\Netex_10_StopPlace_uk_ComplexStation_Wimbledon_1.xml * examples\functions\stopPlace\Netex_10_StopPlace_withParking_1.xml * _Documentation Changes_: [uml_diagram: NONE], [doc-NONE] ### 2019.03.25 __Fix__ *FRAMEWORK-CC*: #41 by Skinkie from 2019.01.07: Fix typo on __MobilityList__. Internal change only. * _Updates to xml schema_: * netex_acsb_passengerMobility.xsd * netex_equipmentVehiclePassenger_version.xsd * _Documentation Changes_: [uml_diagram: NONE], [doc-NONE] ### 2019.03.25 __Fix__ *FARES-FS*: #40 by Skinkie from 2019.01.07 Fix typo on __DistanceMatrixElement.IsDirect__. * NB this will break existing XML that uses __IsDirect__ attribute. * _Updates to xml schema_: * netex_distanceMatrixElement_version.xsd * _Documentation Changes_: [uml_diagram: NONE], [doc-NONE] ### 2019.03.25 __Fix__ *Part1-IFOPT*: #39 by Skinkie from 2019.01.07. * Fix typo on __ServiceSiteRef.Structure__. * _Updates to xml schema_: * netex_ifopt_site_support.xsd * _Documentation Changes_: [uml_diagram: NONE], [doc-NONE] ### 2019.03.25 __Fix__ *Part1-IFOPT*: Fix #38 by Skinkie from 2019.01.07 * Fix typo on __KeyScheme__. * NB this will break existing XML that uses __KeyScheme__ attribute. * _Updates to xml schema_: * netex_ifopt_equipmentPassenger_version.xsd * _Documentation Changes_: [uml_diagram: NONE], [doc-NONE] ### 2019.03.25 __Fix__ *PART2-DM*: Fix #35 by Skinkie from 209.01.03 __AccountingTime__. * Fix typo on __AccountingTime__. * NB This will break existing XML that uses __AccountingTime__ attribute. * NJSK Also add separate EndDayOffSer - DayOffSet should apply to start time relative to operatig day of Duty * _Updates to xml schema_: * netex_duty_version.xsd * _Documentation Changes_: [uml_diagram: NONE], [doc-NONE] ### 2019.03.25 __Fix__ *PART1-ND*: #37 by Skinkie from 2019.01.07 Correct type on __OppositeDirectionRef__. * Correct Typo: rename __OppositeDIrectionRef__ to __OppositeDirectionRef__. * NB This will break existing XML that uses __OppositeDirectionRef__ attribute. * _Updates to xml schema_: * netex_route_version.xsd * _Documentation Changes_: [uml_diagram: NONE], [doc-NONE] ### 1.11 Summary of Changes since v1.10 ### 2019.03.15 1.11 Small tidy ups to new value names and to documentation ### 2019.03.13 __UK-27 & FIXES__ *Part3-FARES*: Fix __FareContract__ and __CustomerPurchasePackage__ issues. * Allow marking of use of __CustomerPurchasePackage__. * Also Fix several issues and align with TM6. * UK-28 Add reference to __CustomerAccount__ to __FareContract__. * Add new attribute __AccountStatusType__ to __CustomerAccount__. * Add new __email__ attribute to __Customer__. * Fix: Add missing relationship __fareContracts / FareContract__ to __CustomerAccount__. * Remove __fareContractEntries__ relationship from __CustomerAccount__ : Use relationship on __FareContract__. NB BREAKAGE! * Fix: Add missing relationship __customerPurchasePackageRefs / CustomerPurchasePackage__ to __CustomerAccount__. * Add missing attributes __CustomerRef__, __CustomerAccountRef__ and FareCOntractRef__ to __CustomerPurchasePackage__. * Add __PassengerSeatRef__ and __TrainElementRef__ to __TravelDocument__. * Add __PrivateCode__ to __TravelDocument__. * Add missing __CustomerPurchasePackageRef__ to __TravelDocument__. * Add new attribute __PassengerSeatRef__ and __TrainElementRef__ to __TravelDocument__. * Add new attribute __AccessNumber__ to __SpecificParameter Assignment__. * Add new attribute __CustomerPurchasePackageStatus__ to to __CustomerPurchasePackage__ with values _resrved_,_ordered_, _paidFor_, _unused_, _activated_ _partiallyUsed_, _used_, _archived_. * Add new attribute __MarkedAs__ to __CustomerPurchasePackageElement__. * Add missing relationship __travelDocuments \ TravelDocument__ to __CustomerPurchasePackage__. * Add new view element __TravelSpecificationSummaryView__ to __TravelSpecification__. * Add new view element __TravelSpecificationSummaryView__ to __CustomerPurchasePackage__. * Add new __CustomerPurchasePackageElementAccess__ element to __CustomerPurchasePackageElement__. * Also UK-32 *Part3-FARES*: Add __StartDate__ and __EndDate__ attributes to __ResidentialEligibility__. * HOUSEKEEPING Separate out _netex_typeOfravelDocumentPackage.xsd_ from _netex_travelDocumentPackag.xsd_ * HOUSEKEEPING Move _netex_travelDocumentPackage.xsd_ from _\fares_ to to \ _sales_Transaction_ folder. * _Updates to xml schema_: * netex_typeOfTravelDocumentPackage_support.xsd (new) * netex_typeOfTravelDocumentPackage_version.xsd (new) * netex_travelSpecifcationSummaryView_version.xsd (new) * netex_travelDocumentPackage_support.xsd * netex_travelDocumenPackage_version.xsd * netex_customerPurchasePackage_support.xsd * netex_customerPurchasePackage_version.xsd * netex_usageParameterEligibility_support.xsd * netex_usageParameterEligibility_version.xsd * netex_salesContract_support.xsd * netex_salesTransaction_version.xsd * netex_publication.xsd * netex.spp * _Documentation Changes_: [uml_diagram: done], [doc-done] ### 2019.03.13 UK-27 & FIXES *Part3-FARES*: Extend __CustomerPurchasePackage__ implementation. * Also add attribute __SupplementProductType__ to __SupplementProduct__ with values _seatReservation, bicycle, dog, animal, meal, wifi_ * _Updates to xml schema_: * netex_fareProduct_support.xsd * netex_fareProducte_version.xsd * _Documentation Changes_: [uml_diagram: done], [doc-done] ### 2019.03.13 EURA-29 *Part3-FARES*: Add new __EligibilityChangePolicy__ usage parameter. * Wwith attributes __OnBecomingPolicy__ and __OnCeasingPolicy__. * __OnBecomingEnumeration__. * _automatic_ - If user becomes eligible, automatically apply additional user profile benefits to user, e.g. apply student or senior discounts. * _invite_ - If user becomes eligible, invite user to take up eligible products. e.g. Invite to buy Senior railcard. * _noAction_ - If user becomes eligible,, no automatic measures are taken. * _other_ * __OnCeasingEnumeration__ - Allowed values * _immediateTermination_ - If user ceases to be eligible, automatically terminate validity of an elibility dependent product. * _useUntilExpiry_ - If user ceases to be eligible, they may go on using the product until it expires. * _terminateAfterGracePeriod_ - If user ceases to be eligible, termination take place after the end of a grace period. * _automaticallySubstituteProduct_ - If user ceases to be eligible, assign them an appropiate replacement product. * _noAction_ - If user ceases to be eligible, take no action. * _other_ * add integrity constraint for __EligibilityChangePolicy__. * _Updates to xml schema_: * netex_usageParameterEligibility_support.xsd * netex_usageParameterEligibility_version.xsd * netex_publication.xsd * _Documentation Changes_: [uml_diagram: done], [doc-done] ### 2019.03.13 EURA-50 *Part3-FARES*: Add new __PurchaseAction__ attribute to __PurchaseWindow__. * With values: _purchase_, _reserve_, _orderWithoutPaying_, payForPreviousOrder, other_, _seatMap_ and _openSeating_. * Also rename __Reserving__ \ __ReservationType__ to __SeatAllocationMethod__ and move __SeatAllocationMethodEnumeration__ to new __VehicleSeating__ package. * Also add __ReservationExpiryPeriod__ to __Reserving__. * _Updates to xml schema_: * netex_vehicleSeating_support.xsd * netex_usageParameterBooking_support.xsd * netex_usageParameterBooking_version.xsd * _Documentation Changes_: [uml_diagram: done], [doc-done] ## 2019.03.13 EURA-40 *Part3-FARES*: Tidy up - Include new elements as fare validity parameters * Add new __FareStructureValidityParametersGroup__ to validity paarmaters with new attributes __TypeOfTariffRef__, __TypeOfFareStructureFactor__, __TypeOfFarFresStructureFactorRef__, * Extend __FareProduct ValidityParametersGroup__ to validity paramaters with new attributes __TypeOfPriceingRuleRef__, __ChargingMethodRef__, __TypeOfPaymentMethodRef__, __TypeOfMachineReadability__, __TypeOfFareTableRef.__ * Add new __SeatingValidityParametersGroup__ with new attributes __TrainElementRef__, __TrainComponentLabelAssignmentRef__. * Also UK-69 Scaleability. Allow classification ofto __FareTable__ with new __TypeOfOfFareTable__ element. * Also Rename draft __ValidityParameterSetOperator__ __ValidityParameterSelectionType__. * Also UK-41 Also add new __LimitationSelectionType__ as additional functional operator to __GenericParameterAssignment__ to clarify use of groups : _oneOf / someOf/ allOf_. * Also add integrity constraints for __TypeOfMachineReadability__. * _Updates to xml schema_: * netex_fareTable_support.xsd * netex_fareTable_version.xsd * netex_validityCondition_support.xsd * netex_accessRightParameter_version.xsd * netex_publication.xsd * _Documentation Changes_: [uml_diagram: done], [doc-done] ### 2019.03.13 EURA-40 *Part3-FARES*: Support Suscriptions - additional changes. * Also add new attrributes to __FareProduct \ ConditionSummary__: __PenaltyIfWithoutTicket__ and __AvailableOnSubscription__. * netex_conditionSummary_version.xsd * _Documentation Changes_: [uml_diagram: done], [doc-done ### 2019.03.13 EURA-93, EURA-085 *Part3-FARES*: Add new attribute to __InterChanging__, __RegisterBreak__. * With values _none, markByStaff, markByValidator, markByMobileApp, other_ * Also EURA-085 Add new attribute __ActivationMeans__ attribute to __UsageValidityPerido__ with values _noneRequired, checkIn, useOfValidato useOfMobileDevice, automaticByTime, automaticByProximity, other_ * _Updates to xml schema_: * netex_usageParameterTravel_support.xsd * netex_usageParameterTravel_version.xsd * _Documentation Changes_: [uml_diagram: done], [doc-done] ### 2019.03.13 UK *Part3-FARES*: Simplify use of Fares: * Add new Atrribute __PreeassignedFareProductType__ to __PreassignedFareProduct__ with values _singleTip, timeTimitedSingleTrip, dayReturnTrip, periodReturnTrip, multiStepTrip, dayPass, periodPass, other_. * Add new attribute __AmountOfPriceUnitType__ to __AmountOfPriceUnitFareProduct__ with values _tripCarnet, passCarnet, unitCoupons, other_. * NB these are separate from __TariffBasis__. * _Updates to xml schema_: * netex_fareProduct_support.xsd * netex_fareProduct_version.xsd * _Documentation Changes_: [uml_diagram: done], [doc-done] ### 2019.03.13 NORWAY-100 *Part3-FARES*: Support VAT (and other tax) categories. * Add __TypeOfPricingRule__ element. * Also FIX add missing (!) relationship __ruleStepResults \ RuleStep__ on __SalesTransaction__. * Also FIX Allow payments in __PriceUnit__ other than currency (!). * Also FIX Add __ruleStepResults \ RuleStep__ to __SalesTransaction__. * Also FIX Type of __Transaction__ \ __Amount__ to be _currencyType_ not _distanceType_. * Also add a __Narrative__ text element on __RuleStepResult__. * Also add __UnitDimension__ attribute to __PriceUnit__ with values _currency, distance, time, valueToken, other_. * Also revise __FarePrice__ element to add __AmountWithResultsGroup__ and refactor __FarePriceAmount__ groups to be clearer. * Also revise __PriceRuleStepResult__: add new attributes __AdjustmentAmount__, __AdjustmentUnits__, __RoundingRef__. * NB this revises current sense of __PriceRuleStepResult__ \ __Amount__. * Also allow nesting of __FareTable__ column headings and rows. * Add __RoundingStepRef__, and __Narrative__ text elements. * _Updates to xml schema_: * netex_farePrice_support.xsd * netex_farePrice_version.xsd * netex_fareTable_support.xsd * netex_fareTable_version.xsd * netex_salesTransaction_version.xsd * _Updates to xml examples_: * examples\rail\tariffs\Netex_era_distance_ro.xml * _Documentation Changes_: [uml_diagram: done], [doc-done] ### 2019.03.12 EURA-40 *Part3-FARES*: Add integrity constraints for new elements. * Elements __Subscribing__, __TypeOfPaymentMethod__, __TypeOfFareStructureFactor__, __TypeOfFareStructureElement__, __TypeOfPricingRule__. * Also drop some spurious selectors. * Add constraint for __SupplementToFareProductRef__. * _Updates to xml examples_: * netex_publication_support.xsd * _Documentation Changes_: [uml_diagram: NONE], [doc-NONE] ### 2019.03.12 NORWAY-100 *Part3-FARES*: Add __ReservationType__ to __Reserving__ usage parameter. * With values _autoAssigned_, _seatMap_ and _openSeating_. * _Updates to xml schema_: * netex_usageParameterBooking_support.xsd * netex_usageParameterBooking_version.xsd * _Updates to xml examples_: * examples\standards\fxc\uk_fxc_trip_Metrobus_1.xml * _Documentation Changes_: [uml_diagram: done], [doc-done] ### 2019.03.12 NORWAY-102 *Part3-FARES*: Add new enum values to __Exchanging__ \ __ExchangeableTo__. * Values _upgradeToSpecifiedFare_, _downgradeToSpecifedFare_, _equivalentProduct_ (already have a _changeGroupSize_ value). * Also add new _purchaseGracePeriod_ (i.e. afterPurchaseWindow) enum values to __Reselling \ ResellWhen__. * _Updates to xml schema_: * netex_usageParameterAfterSales_support.xsd * _Documentation Changes_: [uml_diagram: done], [doc-done] ### 2019.03.12 NORWAY-105 *Part3-FARES*: Add new __MinimumDuration__ attribute to __TimeInterval__. * Also fix __TypeOffareStructureFactor__ on __GeograohicalStructreFactor__. * _Updates to xml schema_: * netex_timeStructureFactor_version.xsd * netex_geographicalStructureFactor_version.xsd * _Documentation Changes_: [uml_diagram: done], [doc-done] ### 2019.03.12 EURA-84 *PART1-ND* Add default __PaymentMethods__, to __Lines__. * add xml groupwith __PaymentMethods__, __TypesOfPaymentMethods__ and __PurchaseMoments__ attributes. * Add to __Network__, __GroupOfLines__, and __Line__. * Also add _cashExactChangeOnly_ to values for __PaymentMethods__. * _Updates to xml schema_: * netex_travelRights.xsd * netex_line_version.xsd * _Updates to xml examples_: * examples\standards\fxc\uk_fxc_trip_Metrobus_1.xml * _Documentation Changes_: [uml_diagram: done], [doc-done] ### 2019.03.12 UK-45 *Part3-FARES*: Add constraint mechanism to Entitlements. * This so that supplements and dependent products can be required to have same parameters. * Add constraint elements to __EntitlementRequired__, __EntitlementGiven__. * Add constraint elements to __SalesOfferEntitlementRequired__, __SalesOfferEntitlementGiven__. * _Updates to xml schema_: * netex_usageParameterEntitlement_support.xsd * netex_usageParameterEntitlement_version.xsd * netex_salesOfferPackageEntitlement_support.xsd * netex_salesOfferPackage_version.xsd * _Updates to xml examples_: * examples\standards\fxc\uk_fxc_pass_Metrobus_metrorider.xml * exaamplesstandards\fxc\uk_fxc_addon_HSP_plusbus.xml * _Documentation Changes_: [uml_diagram: done], [doc-done] ### 2019.03.12 NORWAY-99 *Part3-FARES*: Change cardinality of __SupplementProduct__. * Change __SupplementProduct__ / __SupplementToFareProductRef__ cardinality from _0:1_ to _0:*_. * Also add missing constraint for __SupplementTofareProductRef__. * _Updates to xml schema_: * netex_fareProduct_supplement.xsd * netex_fareProduct_version.xsd * netex_publication_version.xsd * _Updates to xml examples_: * examples\standards\fxc\uk_fxc_pass_Metrobus_metrorider.xml * exaamplesstandards\fxc\uk_fxc_addon_HSP_plusbus.xml * _Documentation Changes_: [uml_diagram: done], [doc-done] ### 2019.03.11 NORWAY-98 *Part3-FARES*: NORWAY-98 Add new value _activation_ to __UsageTriggerEnumeration__ for __UsageValidityPeriod__. * Also add _Deregistration_ value to __UsageEnd__ enumeration * Also and annototation comments. * _Updates to xml schema_: * netex_usageParameterTravel_support.xsd * _Documentation Changes_: [uml_diagram: done], [doc-done] ### 2019.03.11 NORWAY-97 *Part3-FARES*: : Add new values to __UserProfile \ UserType__, * Values: _student, schoolPupil, youngPerson, military, disabled, disabledCompanion, employee, jobSeeker_. * _Updates to xml schema_: * netex_user_support.xsd * _Updates to xml examples_: * \examples\standards\fxc\uk_fxc_common_profile.xml * _Documentation Changes_: [uml_diagram: done], [doc-done] ### 2019.03.11 EURA-87 *Part3-FARES*: Support Partial Refunds of Passes * Add new enumeration values _unused_ and _earlyTermination_ to __RefundType__ on __Reselling__. * Add new __RefundPolicy__ attribute to __Refunding__ with enum values _illness, death, redundancy, maternity, other, etc_ * Add new __RefundBasis__ atribute to __Refunding__ _unusedDays, unusedWeeks ,unusedMonths, other_. * Add new __ExchangableFromPercentUse__ and __ExchangableUntilPercentUse__ attributes to __Reselling__. * Add new enumeration value _withinSpecifiedWindow_ to __PurchaseWhen__ attribute on __Reselling__. * Add add new __EffectiveFrom__ attribute to __Reselling__ with values _anytime, nextInterval, nextInstallment, never_. * Add new __NoticePeriod__ to __Reselling__. * Also UK-46- Add __typesOfPaymentMethods /TypeOfPaymentRef__ and move __PaymentMethods__ up hierarchy with new name (Old attribute on __Refunding__ deprecated) * _Updates to xml schema_: * netex_usageParameterAfterSales_support.xsd * netex_usageParameterAfterSales_version.xsd * _Updates to xml examples_: * netex_era_toc_uk.xsd * _Documentation Changes_: [uml_diagram: done], [doc-done] ### 2019.03.11 EURA-52, EURA40 *Part3-FARES*: Support Suspension. * add _subscription_ enum value to __UsageValidityPeriodType__. * Add __SubscriptionSuspensionPolicy__ attribute to __UsageValidityPeriod__ with enumeration values: * _none_ - Suspension not allowed. * _forCertifiedIllness_ - Suspension allowed for illness. * _forParentalLeave_ - Suspension allowed for parental leave. * _forHoliday_ - Suspension allowed for Holiday. * _forAnyReason_ - Suspension allowed for any reason. * _Updates to xml schema_: * netex_usageParameterTravel_support.xsd * netex_usageParameterTravel_version.xsd * _Documentation Changes_: [uml_diagram: done], [doc-done] ### 2019.03.11 EURA-72 *Part3-FARES*: Improve __FareDemandType__ for direction constraints. * Make __StartTimeAtStop__ and __StartTime__ optional. * Add new attribute StopUseConstraint__ to __FareDemandType__ with values _arriving_. _departing_, _passingThrough_. * _Updates to xml schema_: * netex_fareQualityFactor_support.xsd * netex_fareQualityFactor_version.xsd * _Updates to xml examples_: * netex_era_toc_uk.xsd * Netex_101.21_TfL_GeographicFares_UnitZone_MultipleProduct.xml * _Documentation Changes_: [uml_diagram: done], [doc-done] ### 2019.03.11 CR-13 *PART1*: Add _replacement_ value to __LineType__ enumeration . * _Updates to xml schema_: * netex_line_support.xsd * _Documentation Changes_: [uml_diagram: done], [doc-done] ### 2019.03.11 EURA-40 *Part3-FARES*: Support Subscriptions. * Add new __Subscribing__ usage parameter. * Add __SubscriptionRenewalPolicy__ attribute with enumeration values: * _automatic_ - Renew automatcally at end of term. * _manual_ - Renew on request. * _automaticOnConfirmation_ - Confirm and renew automatically at end of subscription term. * _none_ - No renewal allowed. * Add __SubscriptionTermEnumeration__ attribute with enumeration values: * _fixed_ - Subscription must be for a fixed term. * _variable_ - Subscription can be for an arbitrary term * _openEnded_ - Subscription term is open ended. * Also cf UK-46 Add new __TypeOfPayment__ method. * Also Add __AutomatedUse__ attribute to __TypeofPaymentMethod__. * Also Add _directDebit_ and bankTransfer_ values to __PaymentMethod__ enumeration values. * Also __RESELLING__ parameter Add __typesOfPaymentMethods/TypeOfPaymentRef__ and move __PaymentMethods__ up hierarchy with new name (Old attribute on __REFUNDING__ deprecated) * Also Add _unused_ and _earlyTermination_ to __Refunding__ __RefundType__ enumeration. * Also Add with specified window value to __PurchaseWhen__ enumeration attribute. * Also EURA-90 Add a new attribute __MaximumNumberOfFailToCheckOutEvents__ to __PenaltyPolicy__. * _Updates to xml schema_: * netex_usageParameterCharging_support.xsd * netex_usageParameterCharging_version.xsd * netex_usageParameterAfterSales_support.xsd * netex_usageParameterAfterSales_version.xsd * netex_travelRights_support.xsd * netex_travelRights_version.xsd * netex_salesDistribution_support.xsd * _Updates to xml examples_: * netex_91.1_Rail_RailCard_MultipleProducts.xsd * _Documentation Changes_: [uml_diagram: done], [doc-done] ### 2019.03.11 EURA-73 *Part3-FARES*: Add new __StartConstraintType__ attribute enumeration for __UsageValidityPeriod__. * Add __StartConstraintType__With enum values _fixed_, _variable_, _fixedWindow_ * Also EURA-88 Flexible start window: Add new __FixedStartWindow__ attribute to __UsageValidityPeriod__ with contents __MaximumServicesBefore__. __FlexiblePeriodBefore__, __MaximumServicesAfter__, __FlexiblePeriodAfter__. * _Updates to xml schema_: * netex_usageParameterTravel_support.xsd * netex_usageParameterTravel_version.xsd * _Documentation Changes_: [uml_diagram: done], [doc-done] ### 2019.03.11 UK-22 *Part3-FARES*: Add new __PrivateCode__ attribute to __FarePrice__. * Also UK-22 Add new __Description__ attribute to __FareProductPrice__. * Also UK-22 Add new __InfoLinks__ attribute to __PriceableObject__. * _Updates to xml schema_: * netex_farePrice_version.xsd * _Documentation Changes_: [uml_diagram: done], [doc-done] ### 2019.03.11 UK-55 *Part3-FARES*: Add new __TypeOfFareStructureElement__. * Also UK-89 Add new __TypeOfFareStructureFactor__. * Also EURA-77 Fix: Corrections to __TypeOfFareProduct__. * _Updates to xml schema_: * netex_fareStructureElement_support.xsd * netex_fareStructureElement_version.xsd * netex_fareStructure_support.xsd * netex_fareStructure_version.xsd * netex_fareProduct_version.xsd * _Documentation Changes_: [uml_diagram: done], [doc-done] ### 2019.03.11 UK-31 *FRAMEWORK* Fix: to attribute names on __TypeOfFrame__. * __TypeOfFrame__ Change data type on __ClassAttributeInFrame__ and __ClassRelationshipInFrame/Name__ attributes from __NCName__ to __QNAME__. * _Updates to xml schema_: * netex_versionFrame_version.xsd * _Documentation Changes_: [uml_diagram: done], [doc-done] ### 2019.03.11 EURA-77 *Part3-FARES*: Add new relationship between __FareProduct__ and __Tariff__. * Add new __tariffs/TariffRef__ attribute to __FareProduct__. * _Updates to xml schema_: * netex_fareProduct_version.xsd * _Documentation Changes_: [uml_diagram: done], [doc-done] ### 2019.03.11 EURA-71 *Part3-FARES*: Add new _superOffPeak_ and _specialEvent_ enumeration values to __FareDemandType__. * _Updates to xml schema_: * netex_usageParameterBooking_version.xsd * _Documentation Changes_: [uml_diagram: done], [doc-done] ### 2019.03.11 EURA-76 *Part3-FARES*: Add __IsFeeRefundable__ attribute to __Reserving__. * _Updates to xml schema_: * netex_usageParameterBooking_version.xsd * _Documentation Changes_: [uml_diagram: done], [doc-done] ### 2019.03.11 EURA-68 *Part3-FARES*: Specify conditions for changing group size. * __Exchanging__ usage parameter __TypeOfExchange__ attribute: add new enumeration value _changeGroupSize_. * Also __GroupTicket__ add new attribute __GroupSizeChanges__ with enum values _noChanges, free, charge, steppedCharge_. * Also for __Refunding__ usage parameter, add new _changeOfGroupSize_ value to __RefundType__ enumeration. * _Updates to xml schema_: * netex_usageParameterAfterSales_support.xsd * netex_usageParameterEligibility_support.xsd * netex_usageParameterEligibility_version.xsd * _Documentation Changes_: [uml_diagram: done], [doc-done] ### 2019.03.10 UK-21 *Part3-FARES*: Add new __SalesOfferEntitlementGiven__ and __SalesOfferEntitlementRequired__ usage parameters. * Add as new package because __SalesOfferPackage__ dependencies are downstream from __FareProduct__. * _Updates to xml schema_: * netex_salesOfferPackageEntitlement_support.xsd (new) * netex_salesOfferPackageEntitlement_version.xsd (new) * netex_salesOfferPackage_version.xsd * netex_all_objects_part3_fares_SD.xsd * netEx.SPP * _Documentation Changes_: [uml_diagram: done], [doc-done] ### 2019.03.10 EURA-42 *Part3-FARES*: Add __Currency__ to __PricingRule__ (NB this does not solve other aspects of CR. * _Updates to xml schema_: * netex_calculationParameters_version.xsd * _Documentation Changes_: [uml_diagram: done], [doc-done] ### 2019.03.10 EURA-65 *Part3-FARES*: Add new __SharedUsage__ attribute to __Transferability__ to specify whether multiple users may use a product at the same time. * Add new enum for __SharedUsage__ with values _oneAtATime_, _severalAtATime_, _severalSpecifiedCompanionsAtATime_. * _Updates to xml schema_: * netex_usageParameterAfterSales_support.xsd * netex_usageParameterAfterSales_version.xsd * _Documentation Changes_: [uml_diagram: done], [doc-done] ### 2019.03.10 EURA-75 *Part3-FARES*: Add new __Add TravelBillingPolicy__ attribute to __ChargingPolicy__. * With enumerated values; _billAsYouGo_ , _billOnThreshold_, _billAtFareDayEnd_, _billAtPeriodEnd_. * _Updates to xml schema_: * netex_usageParameterCharging_support.xsd * netex_usageParameterCharging_version.xsd * _Documentation Changes_: [uml_diagram: done], [doc-done] ### 2019.03.10 UK-32 *Part3-FARES*: Add new __ResidenceType__ attribute to __ResidenceQualification__. * With enumerated values; _live_, _work_, _study_, _born_ * Also EURA-62: Add new __CompanionRelationshipType__ attribute to __CompanionProfile__ with enumerated values _anyone, grandparent, parent, child, grandchild, colleague, family, legalRelative, spouse, partner, colleague, teacher, pupil_. * Also EURA-89 Add new enumeration value _birthCertificate_ to __ProofOfIdentity__. * _Updates to xml schema_: * netex_usageParameterEligibility_support.xsd * netex_usageParameterEligibility_version.xsd * _Documentation Changes_: [uml_diagram: done], [doc-done] ### 2019.03.10 EURA-53 *Part3-FARES*: Add new __CappingRuleStartConstraintType__ attribute to __CappedFareProduct__ __CappingRule__ to state if _fixed_ or _variable_. * Also, if _fixed_, specify a __startOnlyOn__ \ __DayType__, e.g. for day of week. * _Updates to xml schema_: * netex_fareProduct_support.xsd * netex_fareProduct_version.xsd * _Documentation Changes_: [uml_diagram: done], [doc-done] ### 2019.03.10 EURA-67 *Part3-FARES*: Add new _courier_ value to __FulfilmentMethodType__ enumerations. * _Updates to xml schema_: * netex_salesDistribution_support.xsd * _Documentation Changes_: [uml_diagram: done], [doc-done] ### 2019.03.10 EURA-91 *Part3-FARES*: Add new enumerated values _sameProductLongerJourney_ and _sameProductShorterJourney_ to __TypeOfExchange__ attribute on __Exchanging__ usage parameter. * _Updates to xml schema_: * netex_usageParameterAfterSales_support.xsd * _Documentation Changes_: [uml_diagram: done], [doc-done] ### 2019.03.10 EURA-87 *Part3-FARES*: Specify if start of validity is _variable_ or _fixed_. * Add new __StartConstraint__ attribute to __UsageValidityPeriod__ to specify if start day is _variable_ or _fixed_. * Add new values _variable_ / _fixed_ to __UsageStartConstraintTypeEnumeration__. * Add new __startOnlyOn__ / __DayType__ attribute so that any required day of week, day of month, month of year can be indicated. * Add two XML groups to organise absolute and variable start time attributes. * Also add new _enrolment_ and _reservation_ enum values to __UsageTriggerEnumeration__. * Also add new _eligibilityExpiry_ enum value to __UsageEndEnumeration__. * Also EURA-94 Add new enumeration values _networks_, _operators_ and _countries_ to type of step on __StepLimit__. * _Updates to xml schema_: * netex_usagwParameterTravel_support.xsd * netex_usageParameterTravel_version.xsd * _Documentation Changes_: [uml_diagram: done], [doc-done] ### 2019.03.10 UK-38 *Part3-FARES*: Add new attributes __MinimumAccess__ and __MaximumAccess__ to __FareStructureElementinSequence__. * _Updates to xml schema_: * netex_fareStructureElement_version.xsd * _Documentation Changes_: [uml_diagram: done], [doc-done] ### 2019.03.10 EURA-81 *Part3-FARES*: Make relationship between __FareProduct__ and __TypeOfFareProduct__ many-to-many. * _Updates to xml schema_: * netex_fareProduct_version.xsd * _Documentation Changes_: [uml_diagram: done], [doc-done] ### 2019.03.10 UK-08 *FRAMEWORK* Add new attribute __LayerRef__ to __VersionFrame__ and to __TypeOfFrame__. * _Updates to xml schema_: * netex_layer_support.xsd * netex_versionFrame_version.xsd ### 2019.03.10 UK-28 *Part3-FARES*: Add new attribute __CustomerAccountRef__ to __FareContract__. * _Updates to xml schema_: * netex_salesContract_version.xsd * netex_salesTransaction_version.xsd ### 2019.03.09 UK-12 *Part3-FARES*: Add new attribute __GroupOfOperatorRef__ to __Tariff__ (ie make relationship many to many). * _Updates to xml schema_: * netex_fareStructureElement_version.xsd * _Documentation Changes_: [uml_diagram: done], [doc-done] ### 2019.03.09 EURA-78 *Part3-FARES*: Allow more than one reference to a __GroupsOfSalesOfferPackageRef__ from a __SalesOfferPackage__ (i.e. make relationship many-to-many.) * _Updates to xml schema_: * netex_salesOfferPackage_version.xsd * _Documentation Changes_: [uml_diagram: done], [doc-done] ### 2019.03.08 EURA-54 *Part3-FARES*: Add a seat reference to assignable parameters. * Add a new module with __PassengerSeatingRef__. * Also Add a new attribute __PassengerSeatRef__ to __ServiceValidityParameterGroup__ of __accessRightParamaterAssignment__. * Also Add new __TravelDocumentRef__ and __RetailDeviceRef__ attributes to __SalesTransaction__. * Also Fix: make __RetailingOrganisationRef__ an __OrganisationOperatorRefStructure__ rather than an __OperatorRefStructure__. * _Updates to xml schema_: * netex_vehicleSeating_support.xsd (New) * netex_all_objects_reusable_components.xsd * netex.spp * netex_accessRightParameter_version.xsd * netex_salesTransaction_version.xsd * _Documentation Changes_: [uml_diagram: done], [doc-done] ### 2019.03.08 EURA-43 *Part3-FARES*: Add new relationship to __FareZone__ to indicate who who manages it. * Add new attributes to __FareZone__ ; __AuthorityRef__ / __OperatorRef__, __GroupOfOperatorsRef__. * _Updates to xml schema_: * netex_fareZone_version.xsd * _Documentation Changes_: [uml_diagram: done], [doc-done] ### 2019.03.08 EURA-51 *Part3-FARES*: Add new enumeration values to __RoundTripType__ ; _returnOut_, _returnBack_ so as to distinguish legs. * _Updates to xml schema_: * netex_usageParameterTravel_support.xsd * _Documentation Changes_: [uml_diagram: done], [doc-done] ### 2019.03.08 PART2 UK-44, UK-69 *Part3-FARES*: Improve support for defining large tariffs in modular fashion * Add new relationship __groupsOfOperators/GroupsOfOperatorRef__ to __Network__. * Also __UseToExclude__ attribute to __GroupOfOperators__. * Also add new values _flexible_ and _urban_ to __TypeOfLine__ enumeration. * Add new __UseToExclude__ flag to __GroupOfLines__. * Add new __UseToExclude__ flag to __GroupOfDistanceMatrixElements__. * _Updates to xml schema_: * netex_line_support.xsd * netex_line_version.xsd * netex_transportOrganisation_support.xsd * netex_transportOrganisation_version.xsd * netex_distanceMatrixElementVersion_version.xsd * _Documentation Changes_: [uml_diagram: done], [doc-done] ### 2019.03.08 UK-14 *Part3-FARES*: Improvements to __FareZone__. * Add new __ScopingMethod__ attribute to __FareZone__ with values _explicitStops_, _implicitSpatialProjection_, _implicitSpatialProjection._ * UK-13 Add new __ZoneTopology__ enumeration values _annular_, _sequence_, _overlappingSequence_. * UK-18 Specify fare stages on a pattern: Add new __IsFareStage__ attribute to __FarePointInPattern__. * EURA Allow stops to be excluded from a routing. Add new __IsForbidden__ attribute to __FarePointInPattern__. * _Updates to xml schema_: * netex_fareZone_support.xsd * netex_fareZone_version.xsd * _Documentation Changes_: [uml_diagram: done], [doc-done] ### 2019.03.07 UK-46 *FRAMEWORK* & *Part3-FARES*: Add open __PaymentMethod__ as first class object so that user defined methods can be added. * _Updates to xml schema_: * netex_travelRights_support.xsd * netex_travelRights_version.xsd * netex_salesDistribution_support.xsd * _Documentation Changes_: [uml_diagram: done], [doc-done] ### 2019.03.07 NJSK *Part3-FARES*: UK-74 Add new enumerations to __TariffBasis__; _zoneToZone_, _pointToPoint_, _discount_. * Also add documentation annotations to existing annotations. * _Updates to xml schema_: * netex_fareStructureElement_support.xsd * _Documentation Changes_: [uml_diagram: done], [doc-done] ### 2019.03.07 NJSK Fix *FRAMEWORK* Make __InfrastructurePointRef__ and __InfrastructureLinkRef__ abstract. * _Updates to xml schema_: * netex_networkInfrastructure_support.xsd * _Documentation Changes_: [uml_diagram: NONE], [doc-NONE] ### 2019.03.07 NJSK-Fix *HOUSEKEEPING* Delete spurious references in XMLSpy _netext.ssp_ file. * _Updates to other files_: * netex.spp * _Documentation Changes_: [uml_diagram: NONE], [doc-NONE] ### 2019.03.07 NJSK-Fix *FRAMEWORK* - Correct Type of __VersionFrameRef__ to be _VersionFrameRefStructure_ , correct substitution group on __ResourceFrameRef__ to be __VersionFrameRef__. * _Updates to xml schema_: * netex_resourceFrame_version.xsd * _Documentation Changes_: [uml_diagram: NONE], [doc-NONE] ### 2019.03.07 EURA-40 *Part3-FARES*: Add support for Subscriptions. * Basic steps * Subscriptions add new values _onlineAccount_ and _postal_ to enumerations of __DistributionChannelType__. * Add _subscriptionOnly_, also _onCheckIn_, _inAdvanceOnly_, _beforeBoardingOnly_ , _onBoardingOnly_ to __PaymentMoment__ enum. * Fix: add __PaymentMoment__ to __PurchaseWindow__. * _Updates to xml schema_: * netex_salesDistribution_support.xsd * netex_travelRights_support.xsd * _Documentation Changes_: [uml_diagram: done], [doc-done] ### 2019.03.05 UK-24 *FRAMEWORK-RC*: & *Part3-FARES*: Add open __PaymentMethod__ as first class object so that user defined methods can be added. * Add _ePayDevice_, _ePayAccount_ and _mileagePoints_ to __PaymentMethod__ enum * _Updates to xml schema_: * netex_travelRights_support.xsd * netex_travelRights_version.xsd * netex_salesDistribution_version.xsd * _Documentation Changes_: [uml_diagram: done], [doc-done] ### 2019.03.05 UK-96 *FRAMEWORK-CC*: Add __prerequisites__ relationship to __VersionFrame__. * _Updates to xml schema_: * netex_versionFrame_version.xsd * _Updates to examples_: * Many fares exampels updated to indicate prerequisites. * _Documentation Changes_: [uml_diagram: done], [doc-done] ### 2019.03.05 UK-09 *Part3-FARES*: Add __TypeOfTariffRef__ and __FareElementInSequenceRef__ to __TravelSpecification__ so that can correctly specify choices. * _Updates to xml schema_: * netex_salesTransaction_version.xsd * _Documentation Changes_: [uml_diagram: done], [doc-done] ### 2019.03.05 UK-19 *Part3-FARES-FP*: Fix __PriceGroup__ should be abstract. * _Updates to xml schema_: * netex_farePrice_version.xsd * _Documentation Changes_: [uml_diagram: NONE], [doc-doane] ### 2019.03.05 NJSK-Fix *PART1*: Make alternative name and date visible on __Direction__. * _Updates to xml schema_: * netex_route_version.xsd * _Documentation Changes_: [uml_diagram: NONE], [doc-done] ### 2019.03.05 UK-41 *Part3-FARES*: Revise __UserProfile__ to allow more than one enum values for __ProofOfEligibilty__. * _Updates to xml schema_: * netex_usageParameterEligibility_support.xsd * netex_usageParameterEligibility_version.xsd * _Documentation Changes_: [uml_diagram: done], [doc-done] ### 2019.03.02 UK-18 *Part3-FARES*: Add values for __TypeOfInterval__. * _Updates to xml schema_: * netex_geographicalStructureFactor_support.xsd * _Documentation Changes_: [uml_diagram: done], [doc-done] ### 2019.03.02 UK-80 *Part3-FARES*: Add further values to __GenericParameterAssignment__, __TypeOfConcessionRef__, __TypeOfUsageParameterRef__, __VehicleType Ref__, __TypeOfLineRef__. * _Updates to xml schema_: * netex_validityCondition_support.xsd * netex_accessRightParameter_version.xsd * _Documentation Changes_: [uml_diagram: done], [doc-done] ### 2019.03.02 UK-41 *Part3-FARES*: Add an additional functional operator to __GenericParameterAssignment__ to clarify use of groups. * New values: _oneOf_ / _someOf_/ _allOf_. * Also correct documentation on relational operators. * _Updates to xml schema_: * netex_validityCondition_support.xsd * netex_accessRightParameter_version.xsd * _Documentation Changes_: [uml_diagram: done], [doc-done] ### 2019.03.01 EURA-(nk) *Part3-FARES*: Add __DistanceMatrixInverseRef__ for backwards direction of reference. Revise constraints. * _Updates to xml schema_: * netex_distanceMatriElement_support.xsd * netex_distanceMatriElement_version.xsd * netex_publication.xsd * _Documentation Changes_: [uml_diagram: done], [doc-done] ### 2019.02.28 EURA-10 *Part3-FARES*: Improve __CustomerPurchasePackage__. * Fix correct case on __customerPurchasePackageRefs__. * Allow inlining of __CustomerPurchasePackages__ in a __FareContract__. * _Updates to xml schema_: * netex_customerPurchasePackage_support.xsd * netex_customerPurchasePackage_version.xsd * netex_salesTransaction_version.xsd * _Documentation Changes_: [uml_diagram: NONE], [doc-NONE] ### 2019.02.21 UK-07 *Part3-FARES*: Allow __xxPriceRefs__ directly in __FareTable__ / __cells__. * Also allow __VersionOfObjectRef__ on __FareTable__ __Row__ and __Column__. * _Updates to xml schema_: * netex_fareZone_version.xsd * _Documentation Changes_: [uml_diagram: done], [doc-done] ### 2019.02.21 UK-20 *Part3-FARES*: Add contains relationship to __FareZone__. * _Updates to xml schema_: * netex_fareZone_version.xsd * _Updates to xml examples_: * uk_fxc_trip_First_WoE_Line48_stage+Passses.xsd * _Documentation Changes_: [uml_diagram: done], [doc-done] ### 2019.02.21 UK-57 *Part3-FARES*: Add Allow list of __MachineReadable__ enumerations, * Also add open ended __TypeOfMachineRedability__. * _Updates to xml schema_: * netex_travelDocument_support.xsd * netex_travelDocument_version.xsd * _Documentation Changes_: [uml_diagram: done], [doc-done] ### 2019.02.21 UK-34 *Part3-FARES*: TRAVEL DOCUMENT should not be in FARE FRAME - remove. * _Updates to xml schema_: * netex_travelDocument_version.xsd * netex_fareFame_version.xsd * _Documentation Changes_: [uml_diagram: done], [doc-done] ### 2019.02.21 UK-07 *Part3-FARES*: __FareTable__ - Allow direct containment of __FarePriceRef__. * Also UK-23 Add __FareSectionRef__ to __FareTable / specifics__ * _Updates to xml schema_: * netex_fareTable_version.xsd * _Updates to xml examples_:Various to drop unecessary __cells__ wrapper tags * _Documentation Changes_: [uml_diagram: done], [doc-done] ## 1.10 Summary of Changes since v1.09 ### 2019.02.21 .No-Fix *PART2*: Reapply 1.09 Fix Merge in correction to spelling of __AccountingTime__. * NB This will break any existing documents that use __AccountingTime__. * _Updates to xml schema_: * netex_duty_version.xsd * _Documentation Changes_: [uml_diagram: NONE], [doc-NONE] ### 2019.02.21 .No-Fix *Part3-FARES*: Reapply 1.09 Fix up examples * _Updates to xml examples_: fare examples, Norway examples * _Documentation Changes_: [uml_diagram: NONE], [doc-NONE] ### 2019.02.21 NJSK-Fix *FRAMEWORK* Make dummy types abstract __TransportOrganisation__ . * _Updates to xml schema_: * netex_transportOrganisation_version.xsd * _Documentation Changes_: [uml_diagram: NONE], [doc-NONE] ### 2019.02.21 NJSK-Fix *FRAMEWORK* Reapply 1.09 Make __ValidityCondition__ etc visible [xsd only] * _Updates to xml schema_: * netex_travelRights.xsd * netex_trainElement.xsd * _Documentation Changes_: [uml_diagram: NONE], [doc-NONE] ### 2019.02.21 NJSK-Fix: *FRAMEWORK* Reapply 1.09 Constraint changes and further clean up constraints [xsd only] * Changes include: * (a) Fix keyref constraint on __TimingLinkInJourneyPattern_AnyVersionedKey__, (Drop __DropFarePointInPattern__. __TimingTimingLinkInJournePattern__, __StopTimingLinkInJourneyPattern__). * (b) Fix keyref constraint on __ServiceLinkInJourneyPattern_AnyVersionedKey__ (Drop __xxxPoints__). * (c) Fix keyref constraint on __FarePointInPattern_AnyVersionedKey__ - Add __xxxPoints__. * (d) Fix keyref constraint on __LinkInJourneyPattern_AnyVersionedKey__ - Ddrop __xxxPoints__. * (e) Fix constraint __ServiceLinkInJourneyPattern_AnyVersionedKey__ drop bogus __ServiceService__ selector. * (f) Fix __FarePointInPattern__ Key * (g) Fix keyref constraint on StopPointInJourneyPattern - remove bogus __DeadRunInPattern__ and __ServiceStopPointInPattern__ selectors. * (h) Fix keyref constraint on TimingPointInPattern - remove bogus __DeadRunInPattern__ and __ServiceStopPointInPattern__ selectors. * (i) Fix uniqueness constraint on __HeadwayJourneyGroup__ - drop __RhythmicalJourneyGroup__. * (j) Fix (again) __Constraints on SalesOfferPackage__ and __SalesOfferPackagePrice__. * (k) Fix keyref __LinkInJourneyPattern_AnyVersionedKey__ correct __LinkInPattern__ to __ServiceLinkInPattern__. * (l) Fix remove obsolete __ParkingTaxRate__ constraint * (m) Fix Reinstate integrity constraints on StopPointInJourneyPattern, etc {NB THIS MAY CATCHE EXISTING ERRORS IN EXAMPLES]. * (n) Fix Add constraints on __SectionInSequence__. {NB THIS MAY CATCHE EXISTING ERRORS IN EXAMPLES]. * (o) Revise key names to emphasise when key is ordered separate. * (b) Fix Make uniqueness of __PriceGroup__ and __FareTable__. * _Updates to xml schema_: * netex_publication.xsd * _Documentation Changes_: [uml_diagram: NONE], [doc-NONE] ### 2019.02.18 NJSK-Fix *FRAMEWORK* Correct data type of __LayerRef__ and substitution group on __Layer__ and __CellRef__ * NB dependencies need sorting out - move layer to core framework? * _Updates to files_: * netex_layer_support.xml * netex_layer_version.xml * _Documentation Changes_: [uml_diagram: NONE], [doc-NONE] ### 2019.02.18 NJSK-Fix OTHER update XML SPy & Oxygen project files [xsd only] * _Updates to files_: * netex.spp * netex.spr * _Documentation Changes_: [uml_diagram: NONE], [doc-NONE] ### 2019.02.18 EXAMPLES - Add new Fare examples [xsd only] #### Rail fares * Example: Distance rail tariff: * Netex_era_distance_ro.xml * Example: Point to Point Multi-operator National tariff and single operator regional products: * Netex_era_toc_uk.xml * Example: Cross-border National tariff : * Netex_crossborder_de.xml #### Bus fares * Example: Zone-to-zone bus fares: * uk_fxc_trip_Metrobus_1.xml.xml * Example: Zonal day & season pass fares: * uk_fxc_pass_Metrobus_metrorider.xml * Example: Stage trip fares: * uk_fxc_trip_First_WoE_stage-distance_minimal1.xml * _Documentation Changes_: [uml_diagram: NONE], [doc-NONE] ### 2019.02.18 UK-006 *Part3-FARES*: - Add missing FARE TABLE price references. * Fix: Add __CellSpecificNetworkGroup__ to Fare Table Specifics, * Fix: Add __TariffZoneRef , LineRef, FareZoneRef, TariffRef, LineRef, ScheduledStopPointRef__ and __FareStructureElementInSequenceRef__. __SectionRef__ to __CellSpecificNetworkGroup__, * _Updates to xml schema_: * netex_fareTable_version.xsd * netex_stopPlace_version.xsd * _Documentation Changes_: [uml_diagram: done], [doc-done] ### 2019.01.11 1.09 NJSK-Fix *Part3-FARES*: Constraints. * Fix: Correction to constraints 1. Fix keyref constraint on __TimingLinkInJourneyPattern_KeyRef__ - drop __xxxPoints__. 2. Fix keyref constraint on __ServiceLinkInJourneyPattern_AnyVersionedKey__ - drop __xxxPoints__. 3. Fix keyref constraint on __FarePointInPattern_AnyVersionedKey__ - add __xxxPoints__. 4. Fix keyref constraint on __LinkInJourneyPattern_AnyVersionedKey__ - drop __FarePointInPattern__. 5. Fix constraint __ServiceLinkInJourneyPattern_UniqueBy_Id_Version_Order__ drop __ServiceServiceLinkInJourneyPattern__. 6. Fix __FarePointInPattern__ Key constraint * _Updates to xml schema_: * netex_publication.xsd * _Documentation Changes_: [uml_diagram: NONE], [doc-NONE] ### 2019.01.10 HOUSEKEEPING Migrate to Github. Rename all schema files to remove version numbers. * _Updates to xml schema_: All NeTEx files changed. * Documentation Changes_: [uml_diagram: NONE], [doc-NONE] ### 2018.06.02 GITHUBBER FRAMEWORK Add __Centroid__ to __GroupOfStopPlaces__. * _Updates to xml schema_: * netex_stopPlace_version.xsd * _Documentation Changes_: [uml_diagram: done], [doc-done] ---- # 1.09 Summary of Changes since v1.08 ### 2018.06.06 CR057 NJSK add URL to Priceable object. * _Updates to xm schema_: netex_farePrice_version-v1.1.xsd * _Documentation Changes_: [uml_diagram: done], [doc-done] ### 2018.06.02 1.09 *BUG* Fix __UsageParameterRef__ - should be abstract to prevent use [xsd only] * _Updates to xml schema_: netex_usageParameter_Support-v1.1.xsd * _Documentation Changes_: [uml_diagram: NONE], [doc-NONE] ### 2018.06.02 *BUG* Fix __ServiceDesignator__ & __JourneyDesignator__ - Make fromPoint value optional . * _Updates to xml schema_: netex_vehicleJourney_Support-v1.1.xsd * _Documentation Changes_: [uml_diagram: done], [doc-done] [DOCTODO] Also Add designator UML diagram to SPec ### 2018.06.02 1.10 *BUG* Fix Substitution group __PointInJourneyPattern__. * _Updates to xml schema_: netex_journeyPattern-v1.1.xsd * _Documentation Changes_: [uml_diagram: NONE], [doc-NONE] ### 2018.06.02 Add __ServiceDesignator__ to __GroupOfServicesMember__ [DOCTODO] * _Updates to xml schema_: netex_serviceJourney_Version-v1.1.xsd ### 2018.06.01 CR049 Rename to align with Transmodel. Fix case of names [xsd only] * TM6 Alignment: Rename __SalesPackage__ to __SalesOfferPackage__ * Fix: Correct the camel casing of __GroupsOfsaleOfferPackages__ ==> __groupsOfSaleOfferPackages__ * Fix: Correct constraint names * _Updates to xml schema_: * netex_SalesOfferPackage_version-v1.1.xsd * NeTEx_publication.xsd * NeTEx_publication_timetable.xsd * * Nx.xsd * _Updates to examples_: * Netex_tap_tsi_B3+more.xml * Netex_tap_tsi_B2.xml * Netex_tap_tsi_B2-71.xml * Netex_tap_tsi_B2-1181.xml * Netex_tap_tsi_B2-1180.xml * Netex_tap_tsi_tcvs_irt_1.xml * Netex_tap_tsi_B3.xml * Netex_tap_Train_Hotel_SalesPackage_2.xml * Netex_101.21_TflGeographicFares_UnitZone_MultipleProducts * _Documentation Changes_: [uml_diagram: done], [doc-done] ### 2018.03.20 1.09 CR047 Fix __SupplementToFareProductRef__. * Fix _ResultStepIdType_[xsd only] * _Updates to xml schema_: netex_farePrice_version & netex_FarePrice_support * _Documentation Changes_: [uml_diagram: done], [doc-done] ### 2018.03.20 1.09 Fix Inheritance of __CompanionProfileRef__ to be a type of __UserProfileRef__ [xsd only] * _Updates to xml schema_: netex_usageParameterEligibility_support-v1.0 * _Documentation Changes_: [uml_diagram: NONE], [doc-NONE] ### 2018.03.20 CR049 Rename to align with Transmodel *renames and fixes - Fix Capitalisation [xsd only] x * Fix Capitalisation of wrapper tags * TM Alignment: __salesOfferPackages__ should be lower ca.mel case. * TM Alignment: __salesOfferPackageElements__ should be lower camel case. * TM Alignment: __saleslesOfferPackageSubstitutions__ should be lower camel case. * TM Alignment: __salesOfferPackagePrices__ should be lower camel case * TM Alignment: __salesOfferPackageRefs__ should be lower camel case. * _Updates to xml schema_: * netex_SalesOfferPackage_support-v1.1.xsd * netex_SalesOfferPackage_version-v1.1.xsd * netex_FareTable_version-v1.1.xsd * nete_AccessRight_Parameters_version-v1.1.xsd * netex_FareProduct_version-v1.1.xsd *_Updates to multiple Examples_. * _Documentation Changes_: [uml_diagram: NONE], [doc-NONE] ### 2018.03.20 CR049 Rename to align with Transmodel [*uml:v96-nk4; doc:v39*] * TM Alignment: Rename __PassengerContract__ ==> __FareContract___. * TM Alignment: Rename __PassengerContractEntry__ ==> __FareContractEntry__. * TM Alignment: Rename __PassengerContractSecurityListing__ ==> __FareContractSecurityListing__. * TM Alignment: Rename __TypeOfPassengerContract__ ==> __TypeOfFareContract__. * TM Alignment: Rename __TypeOfPassengerContractEntry__ ==> __TypeOfFareContractEntry__. * _Updates to xml schema_: * netex_fareContract_support-v1.1.xsd * netex_fareContract_version-v1.1.xsd * netex_salesTransaction_support-v1.1.xsd * netex_salesTransaction_version-v1.1.xsd * netex_salesTransactionFrame_version-v1.1.xsd * netex_publication.xsd * netex_publication_timetable.xsd * _Documentation Changes_: [uml_diagram: done], [doc-done] ### 2017.12.20 CR049 Rename to align with Transmodel [*uml:v96-nk4; doc:v39*] * TM Alignment: Rename __SalesPackage__ ==> __SalesOfferPackage__. * TM Alignment: Rename __SalesPackageElement__ ==> __SalesOfferPackageElement__. * TM Alignment: Rename __SalesPackageSubstitition__ ==> __SalesOfferPackageSubstitition__. * TM Alignment: Rename __TypeOfSalesPackage__ ==> __TypeOfSalesOfferPackage__. * TM Alignment: Rename __SalesPackageSubstitition__ ==> __SalesOfferPackageSubstitition__. * TM Alignment: Rename __GroupOfSalesPackages__ ==> __GroupOfSalesOfferPackages__. * _Updates to xml schema_: * netex_salesPackage_support-v1.1.xsd ==> netex_aalesOfferPackage_support--v1.1.xsd * netex_salesPackage_version-v1.1.xsd ==> netex_aalesOfferPackage_version-v1.1.xsd ### 2017.12.20 Fix up fare examples ## 1.08 Summary of Changes since v1.07 ### 2017-12-01 Further revisions & Fixes for v1.1 * Fix: Add notice assignments to **GroupOfDistanceMatrixElements** [*uml:v96-nk3; doc:v38.04*] * netex_distranceMatrixLement_version-v1.1.xsd * Fix: Move _alternativeTexts_ up hierarchy to **EntityInVersion** [*uml:v96-nk2; doc:v38.03*] * Fix: Move **AlterativeName** to generic framework so Organisation can reference. [uml 96-nk2; doc done v38.03] * netex_organisation_version-v1.1.xsd * netex_all_objects_generic_version-v1.0.xsd * Fix: Add **ContactDetails** to **Line** as per uml [*uml:v96-nk2; doc:v38.03*] * netex_line_version-v1.1.xsd * Fix: Update uml diagram for **PropertyOfDay**, **Line** [*uml:v96-nk2; doc:v38.03*] * Fix: cd - **Place** should be typed **Place_VersionStructure** [*uml:v96-nk2; doc:v38.03*] * netex_place_version-v1.1.xsd * CR: Cr0019/Cr0013 correct type on **DayOffSet** on **CourseOfJourney** and **ReliefOpportunity**, **InterchangeRule**, [*uml:v96-nk2; doc:v38.03*] * netex_vehicleService_version-v1.1.xsd * netex_coupledJourney_version-v1.1.xsd * netex_interchange-v1.1.xsd * Fix: Add **DayOffSet** to JourneyMeeting [*uml:v96-nk2; doc:v38.03*] * netex_interchange-v1.1.xsd * CR: Cr0051: Add _infolinks_ to **GroupOfEnNtities** [*uml:v96-nk3; doc:v38.04*] * netex_groupin-v1.1.xsd ### 2017-11-08 Further revisions & Fixes for V1.1 * Fix: Add **DayOffSet** to **JourneyPartCouple** [*uml:v96-nk2; doc:v38.03*] * netex_coupledJourney_version-v1.1.xsd * Fix: Correct spelling & Allow multiple infolinks on **FareProduct** [*uml:v96-nk2; doc:v38.03*] * netex_fareProduct_version-v1.1.xsd * Fix: Add _MobileApp_ to **MediaType** enumeration [*uml:v96-nk2; doc:v38.03*] * netex_travelDocumentSupport_support-v1.1.xsd * Fix: Allow version of derived view id [*xsd only*] * netex_responsibility_version-v1.1.xsd * Fix: Allow **DistanceMatrixView** on *AccessRightParameter** [*xsd only*] * netex_accessRightParameter_version-v1.1.xsd * CR: CR0051 Allow *Line* and _documentlinks_ on **Tariff** [*uml:v96-nk2; doc:v38.03*] * netex_fareStructureElement_version-v1.1.xsd * CR: CR0051 Add _map_ and _faresheet_ to **InfoLink** types [*uml:v96-nk2; doc:v38.03*] * netex_utilityTypes_v1.1.xsd * CR: CR0051 Allow **Presentation** details on **TariffZone** [*uml:v96-nk2; doc:v38.03*] * netex_zone_version-v1.1.xsd * Fix: Add _totalNumberParkingSpaces_ to **ParkingProperties** [*uml:v96-nk2; doc:v38.03*] * netex_ifopt_parking_version-1.1,xsd * Fix: Update **Facility** - correct _nuisance_ to match XML[*uml:v96-nk2; doc:v38.03*] * netex_facility_support-v1.1.xsd * CR: CR0049 Change **PiQuery** to **PiRequest** [*uml:v96-nk2; doc:v38.03*] * netex_salesTransaction_support-v1.1.xsd (replaces 1.0) * CR: CR0040 Rework to make **Section** a type of **LinkSequence** [*uml:v96-nk2; doc:v38.03*] * netex_commonSection_support-v1.1.xsd ++ * netex_commonSection_version-v1.1.xsd ++ * netex_section_support-v1.1.xsd * netex_section_version-v1.1.xsd * netex_linkSequence_version-v1.1.xsd * netex_lineNetwork_version-v1.1.xsd * netex_fareZone_version-v1.1.xsd * CR: CR0049 TM Change. Move _Description_ to supertype for **LinkSequence** [*uml:v96-nk2; doc:v38.03*] * netex_journeyPattern_version-v1.1.xsd * netex_journey_version-v1.1.xsd * netex_ifopt_navigationPath_version-v1.1.xsd * netex_ifopt_parking_version-v1.1.xsd ---- ### 2017-10-10 Further revisions & Fixes * Fix: Correct **FareStructureElement** to allow Multiple interval support, Add timeIntervals & geographical intervals to fareElement, Also allow inlining of DistanceMatrixElements [xml] * netex_FareStructureELement_version_-v1.1.xsd * netex_all_objects_part3_fares-v1.0.xsd * netex_all_objects_part3_fares_FS-v1.1.xsd * netex_accessRightParameter_version-v1.1.xsd * Fix: **CustomerPurchasPeackageElement** add **GeographicalIntervalRef** & **TimeIntervalRef** [*uml:v96-nk2; doc:v38.03*] * netex_CustomerPurchasePackage_version_-v1.1.xsd * CR: CR0049 TM alignment (i) **CustomerPurchasePackage** element add **TypeOfTravelDocument** to **ProductValidityParametersGroup** [*uml:v96-nk2; doc:v38.03*] * netex_accessRightParameter_version-v1.1.xsd (ii) Fix Add **TypeOfTravelDocument** to **FareTable** specifics [*uml:v96-nk2; doc:v38.03*] * netex_fareTable_version-v1.1.xsd * etex_all_objects_part3_fares_FP-v1.1.xsd * netex_distanceMatrixElement_version-v1.0.xsd (iii) Add **TypeOfTravelDocument** to **FareFrame** [*uml:v96-nk2; doc:v38.03*] * netex_travelDocument_version-v1.1.xsd * Fix: NeTEx **FareFrame** had wrong reference 1.0 [*xsd only*] * netx_all_objects_part3_fares-v1.1.xsd * netex_fareFrame_version-v1.0.xsd * netex_all-v1.0.xsd * netex_salesTransactionFrame-v1.1.xsd * CR: CR0051 Misc small fix - **ParkingArea** add **NumberOfBaysWithRecharging**, **RechargingAvailable** [*uml:v96-nk2; doc:v38.03*] * netex_parkingTariff_version-v1.1.xsd * netex_siteFrame_version-v1.0.xsd * netex_ifopt_all_objects-v1.0.xsd * CR: CR0051- **LostPropertyService**: add **KeptForDuration**. **LeftLuggage addMaximumDuration** [*uml:v96-nk2; doc:v38.03*] * netex_ifopt_localService_version-v1.1.xsd * netex_ifopt_localServiceCommercial_version-v1.0.xsd * netex_Ifopt_equipmentAll-v1.0.xsd * netex_assistanceBooking_version-v1.0.xsd ---- ## 2017-08-17 * CR: CR0047 - **RailSubmode** add _AirportLink_ as rail submode [*uml:v96-nk2; doc:v38.03*] * netex_submode_version-v1.1.xsd * FIX: Reorganise project folders [*xsd only*] * Split all_object_part3_fares into four sublists -FP, FS, AR, SD ---- ### 2017-08-10 Allign with TM6 Changes * CR: CR0045 TM6: **GenericLoggable** support **LogEntry** [*uml:v96-nk2; doc:v38.03*] (i) Add generic **Loggable**. Make **PassengerContractEvent** a type of **LogENtry** [*uml:v96-nk2; doc:v38.03*] * netex_loggable_support-v1.1.xsd * netex_loggable_version-v1.1.xsd * netex_salesContract_support-v1.1.xsd (ii) Rename **PassengerContractEvent** to **PassengerContractEntry** NB not back compatible for **TypeOfPassengerContractEvent**[*uml:v96-nk2; doc:v38.03*] * netex_salesContract_support-v1.1.xsd (iii) Add Support for **SecurityLists** & **WhiteLists*** , revise use of **lacklist**. NB this is functionally, but not syntactically backwards compatible. [*uml:v96-nk2; doc:v38.03*] * +netex_securityList_support-v1.1.xsd * +netex_securityList_version-v1.1.xsd * netex_salesContract_support-v1.1.xsd * netex_salesContract_version-v1.1.xsd * netex_travelDocument_support-v1.1.xsd * netex_travelDocument_version-v1.1.xsd * netex_retailConsortium_support-v1.1.xsd * netex_retailConsortium_version-v1.1.xsd * netex_salesTransactionFrame_version-v1.1.xsd (iv) Add **CustomerPurchasePackage** support [*uml:v96-nk2; doc:v38.03*] * allObjects_part3 * ++ netex_customerPurchasePackage_support-v1.1.xsd * ++ netex_customerPurchasePackage_version-v1.1.xsd * netex_salesTransactionFrame_version-v1.1.xsd (iv) Add **CustomerAccount**, **CustomerAccountStatus**, **TypeOfCustomerccount** [*uml:v96-nk2; doc:v38.03*] * netex_salesContract_support-v1.1.xsd umlp * netex_salesContract_support-v1.1.xsd umlp (v) Add **CustomerEligibility** [*uml:v96-nk2; doc:v38.03*] * ++ netex_customerEligibility_support-v1.1.xsd umlp * ++ netex_customerEligibility_version-v1.1.xsd umlp * CR: CR00xx Add **Presentation** including graphics to **AllowedLineDirection** [*uml:v96-nk2; doc:v38.03*] * netex_line_version-v1.1.xsd umlp * CR: CR0040 Revise **Section**: Add **GeneralSection** distinct from **CommonSection**. [*uml:v96-nk2; doc:v38.03*] Separate out section from point and link package. NB not strictly compatible just for **Section** usedIn **LinkSequence** * netex_pointAndLinkSequence_support-v1.1.xsd UMLcp * netex_pointAndLinkSequence_version-v1.1.xsd UMLcp * netex_pointAndLink_support-v1.1.xsd UMLcp * netex_pointAndLink_version-v1.1.xsd UMLcp * netex_lineSection_version-v1.1.xsd UMLcp * ++netex_section_support-v1.1.xsd UMLcp * ++netex_section_version-v1.1.xsd UMLcp * CR: CR0010 **QuayType** Add _BusPlatform_ enum value [*uml:v96-nk2; doc:v38.03*] * netex_ifopt_stopPlace_support-v1.1.xsd * CR: CR0030 Add **DayOffsets** [u*uml:v96-nk2; doc:v38.03*] * netex_coupledJourney_version-v1.1.xsd UM p * netex_datedPassingTime_version-v1.1.xsd * netex_monitoredPassingTime_version-v1.1.xsd * netex_passingTimes_version-v1.1.xsd * CR: CR0010 Add **JourneyPartPosition** to **JourneyPart** [*uml:v96-nk2; doc:v38.03*] * netex_coupledJourney_support-v1.1.xsd * netex_coupledJourney_version-v1.1.xsd * CR: CR014 Add **GroupOfLinesType** enum [*uml:v96-nk2; doc:v38.03*] * netex_line_support-v1.1.xsd * netex_line_version-v1.1.xsd * CR: CR0047 Add support for tax to **FarePrice**: self ref on **PriceRule** & **StepResult** [*uml:v96-nk2; doc:v38.03*] * netex_farePrice_version-v1.1.xsd * netex_parkingTariff_support-v1.1.xsd * netex_parkingTariff_version-v1.1.xsd =============================== End